Within the emergency situation dictated by COVID-19, we are unfortunately witnessing a shortage of masks...
Cos’è il Fenomeno del Criosollevamento? Il Criosollevamento (in inglese Frost Heaving) è un fenomeno naturale...
Today we want to talk about the latest high-performance portable climate chamber for environmental testing, which FDM has...
The historic company founded in Rome in 1949, is the leading manufacturer of climatic chambers...
The growth chambers for light testing, produced for several years now, so already...
The plant incubator produced by FDM is one of the leading products of the Italian brand,...
Climate change has, quite rightly, led to increasing interest in the environment and, in our sector...
In January 2019, the Higher Council of Public Works issued the "Guidelines for the...
Research institutes and laboratories often have the requirement of special rooms for testing the...
The regulations governing the compression tests of building materials, such as asphalt, are as follows: - The...